Youth ministry aims to provide meaningful opportunities for young people in the St. Monica community to explore and grow in faith, enjoy friendship, participate in service, and have fun together. All teens in grades 9-12, regardless of school, religious affiliation, or participation in Confirmation, are welcome to attend any youth ministry events.
St. Monica welcomes teens in grades 9–12 to participate in our two-year preparation process to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation sessions take place on Sundays after the 9:30 Mass (around 10:45) until 12:15 pm. Confirmation 1 and 2 will alternate most weeks (with some holidays in between) as well as some combined sessions.
Click HERE to Register: 2023–24
Please note: You must be baptized and have received First Communion (and provide a certificate for both) to be confirmed. If your child has not yet received First Communion, we can prepare them during the Confirmation process.
Faith formation is a life-long process and doesn’t end when we receive the sacrament. We invite all parishioners to consider sharing their gifts as volunteers in youth ministry or Confirmation.
The youth programs are always seeking adults who would like to inspire young people as volunteers. Consider participating as:
Teens who are already confirmed are welcome to participate as peer leaders to help facilitate small-group discussions and activities.
For questions or to sign-up as a volunteer, email .