July 13-14 || Summer safety tips: Ways to prevent unintentional drowning deaths
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Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children 5-14 years old, and every year in the United States there are more than 4,000 unintentional drowning deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Preventing unsupervised access to water, providing constant, active adult supervision and knowing how to swim are critical layers of protection to help prevent drowning. For more information, visit www.cdc.gov and redcross.org.


Mon–Fri, 7:00 am - Church

Mon–Fri, 12:10 pm - Church & Livestream 

Sat, 8:00 am - Church & Livestream


Sat, 5:30 pm - Church

Sun, 7:30 am - Church

Sun, 9:30 am - Church & Livestream

Sun, 11:30 am - Church

Sun, 5:30 pm - Church & Livestream


Outdoor seating is available at all weekend Masses.



Mon–Fri. 5:30–6 pm

Sat, 4:30–5:00 pm

There are no confessions on secular holidays or other observances when the parish is closed.


Holy Days & Holidays

Holy Days: additional Vigil and evening Masses, 6:30 p.m.

Holidays: single Mass, 9:30 am with no confessions


Eucharistic Adoration

First & Third Fridays: 7:30–8:30 a.m. & 7–8 p.m. · Church

Second & Fourth Sundays: Noon–3 p.m. · Chapel

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