Habitat for Humanity
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CONTACT: Delis Alejandro |  (310) 566-1530  | 

St. Monica Catholic Community is honored to support the mission of Habitat for Humanity by sponsoring volunteer builds in various locations in Southern California and other states and countries!  Habitat for Humanity  advocates for affordable housing with specific focus on homeownership opportunities for families with limited-incomes. 





Upcoming Events




Monday, October 7, is World Habitat Day.  More than 30 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly took an important step in promoting the idea that everyone deserves a decent place to live by declaring that the first Monday in October would be World Habitat Day. 


This year's World Habitat Day falls near the 100th Birthday of former President Jimmy Carter. As Habitat for Humanity’s most famous volunteer and one of their inaugural Habitat Humanitarians, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has often urged everyone from world leaders to the general public to include adequate housing as one of the fundamental elements needed to live with dignity and thrive. The Carters went on their first Habitat Volunteer Build in March of 1984 and discovered that the Habitat mission to provide decent housing for all closely aligned with their own values.


 “To have a decent place to live,” he has said, “is to have a chance to live in peace and to have adequate health care and adequate education, so you can take advantage of your talents.”


To celebrate World Habitat Day and the former President's 100th Birthday our parish Habitat for Humanity Ministry invites you to join us for a day of festivites on Sunday, September 29. 







Our ministry is forming an events committee to plan and run two upcoming fundraisers we’ll be hosting at the parish. The proceeds will support Habitat LA and our fundraising goals as part of the Catholic Coalition.

We’re just forming the group now, so please reach out if you have interest in learning more. We are looking for talented people who can help in areas such as these, but open to all interested in volunteering:

  • Marketing/advertising
  • Sponsorship and/or raffle prizes 
  • Food/drink captain(s)
  • Recruiting/managing event volunteers
  • Decor

Send an email to or to if you’re interested.  We’ll be in touch to set up a committee meeting.


Recent Events

Late spring/early summer was a busy time for our ministry with a few events over the past few months.


On May 18th, we brought nine volunteers out for the first time to the “Holmes” build site in South LA. Eight townhomes are being built on this lot. Construction began in late 2023 and is scheduled to be finished early next year. Our group split up and everyone had a different task from insulation to painting. We plan to have another build day here in September, so keep your eyes out for that announcement.


Also in May, Habitat LA gathered the members of the Catholic Coalition leadership team together for a luncheon to celebrate its tenth anniversary. Habitat CEO Erin Rank thanked the coalition for its efforts in supporting Habitat’s mission and looks forward to its continued impact in Los Angeles.




On June 14 and 15, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) hosted the 20th Annual Power Women, Power Tools® event in the city of San Fernando. Six homes were renovated with critical repairs for homeowners and their families. For nearly two decades, thousands of power women have helped Habitat build dozens of homes; women who are using their voice to build strength, stability, and self-reliance in greater Los Angeles.

Over the years, several St. Monica women have participated in this invite-only event. Karen Krishfield participated this year, painting stucco exterior walls with homeowners from the Isabel Villas site (in 90+ degree heat!)



Front row (L-R):  Erin Rank (Habitat LA), Karen Krishfield (St. Monica), Fr. Jim Kavanagh (St. James), Maxim Ofina (St. John Fisher), Lorilynn Failor (St. Monica), Deacon Bob Mescher (American Martyrs), Barry Smith (American Martyrs), Chris Untiet (Habitat LA)

Back row (L-R): Tom Rooney (St. Timothy’s), Jesse Coronado (St. Bernadette/Habitat LA/Ignation Volunteer), Christine Gerety (St. Monica), Carol Sanborn (Corpus Christi)


Check out the recap video here!




Karen (R) bedazzling her nail apron, Karen with Chris Untiet (Habitat LA Faith Relations Director)


“We can find no social or moral justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing.”
Pope Francis, St. Patrick’s Church in Washington D.C.



CONTACT: Delis Alejandro |  (310) 566-1530  | 

St. Monica Catholic Community is honored to support the mission of Habitat for Humanity by sponsoring volunteer builds in various locations in Southern California and other states and countries!  Habitat for Humanity  advocates for affordable housing with specific focus on homeownership opportunities for families with limited-incomes. 





Upcoming Events




Monday, October 7, is World Habitat Day.  More than 30 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly took an important step in promoting the idea that everyone deserves a decent place to live by declaring that the first Monday in October would be World Habitat Day. 


This year's World Habitat Day falls near the 100th Birthday of former President Jimmy Carter. As Habitat for Humanity’s most famous volunteer and one of their inaugural Habitat Humanitarians, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has often urged everyone from world leaders to the general public to include adequate housing as one of the fundamental elements needed to live with dignity and thrive. The Carters went on their first Habitat Volunteer Build in March of 1984 and discovered that the Habitat mission to provide decent housing for all closely aligned with their own values.


 “To have a decent place to live,” he has said, “is to have a chance to live in peace and to have adequate health care and adequate education, so you can take advantage of your talents.”


To celebrate World Habitat Day and the former President's 100th Birthday our parish Habitat for Humanity Ministry invites you to join us for a day of festivites on Sunday, September 29. 







Our ministry is forming an events committee to plan and run two upcoming fundraisers we’ll be hosting at the parish. The proceeds will support Habitat LA and our fundraising goals as part of the Catholic Coalition.

We’re just forming the group now, so please reach out if you have interest in learning more. We are looking for talented people who can help in areas such as these, but open to all interested in volunteering:

  • Marketing/advertising
  • Sponsorship and/or raffle prizes 
  • Food/drink captain(s)
  • Recruiting/managing event volunteers
  • Decor

Send an email to or to if you’re interested.  We’ll be in touch to set up a committee meeting.


Recent Events

Late spring/early summer was a busy time for our ministry with a few events over the past few months.


On May 18th, we brought nine volunteers out for the first time to the “Holmes” build site in South LA. Eight townhomes are being built on this lot. Construction began in late 2023 and is scheduled to be finished early next year. Our group split up and everyone had a different task from insulation to painting. We plan to have another build day here in September, so keep your eyes out for that announcement.


Also in May, Habitat LA gathered the members of the Catholic Coalition leadership team together for a luncheon to celebrate its tenth anniversary. Habitat CEO Erin Rank thanked the coalition for its efforts in supporting Habitat’s mission and looks forward to its continued impact in Los Angeles.




On June 14 and 15, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) hosted the 20th Annual Power Women, Power Tools® event in the city of San Fernando. Six homes were renovated with critical repairs for homeowners and their families. For nearly two decades, thousands of power women have helped Habitat build dozens of homes; women who are using their voice to build strength, stability, and self-reliance in greater Los Angeles.

Over the years, several St. Monica women have participated in this invite-only event. Karen Krishfield participated this year, painting stucco exterior walls with homeowners from the Isabel Villas site (in 90+ degree heat!)



Front row (L-R):  Erin Rank (Habitat LA), Karen Krishfield (St. Monica), Fr. Jim Kavanagh (St. James), Maxim Ofina (St. John Fisher), Lorilynn Failor (St. Monica), Deacon Bob Mescher (American Martyrs), Barry Smith (American Martyrs), Chris Untiet (Habitat LA)

Back row (L-R): Tom Rooney (St. Timothy’s), Jesse Coronado (St. Bernadette/Habitat LA/Ignation Volunteer), Christine Gerety (St. Monica), Carol Sanborn (Corpus Christi)


Check out the recap video here!




Karen (R) bedazzling her nail apron, Karen with Chris Untiet (Habitat LA Faith Relations Director)


“We can find no social or moral justification, no justification whatsoever, for lack of housing.”
Pope Francis, St. Patrick’s Church in Washington D.C.




Our ministry sponsors team build days, typically one Saturday, two or three times a year between October and June, generally in the South LA/Long Beach area. Everyone is welcome to participate! No experience or special skill is necessary—Habitat will provide the tools, and you will receive any necessary construction guidance on the builds themselves.


We have also taken our volunteers on the road, building in other places serving families needing affordable housing, such as New Orleans (post-Hurricane Katrina), Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico, and Belfast, Northern Ireland.


Habitat for Humanity also operates ReStores, their version of a home improvement thrift store, where we volunteer.  It’s also a place where you can donate items, with the proceeds going toward the cost of building homes.


St. Monica’s has been a consistent supporter of Habitat for Humanity of Greater LA for over 15 years and was one of the founding parishes of the Catholic Coalition.  To help support all these efforts and those of the St. Monica Catholic Community in general, we host an annual community party and participate in parish events.


To learn more about Habitat for Humanity, visit habitat.org

To learn more about Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles, visit https://www.habitatla.org/about-us/about-hfh-gla/


Past Events


Habitat for Humanity of Greater LA at the Genesis Golf Tournament

For the second year, Habitat’s Catholic Coalition staffed a concession stand as a fundraiser at the golf tournament held February 15-18 at the Riviera Country Club.  Volunteers from several parishes, including St. Monica’s, helped out taking orders and serving food and beverages from the stand on the 18th fairway.  It was a great location to catch a glimpse of some world-class golfers, including Tiger Woods.


Proceeds are still being tallied, but the Coalition expects a good result and anticipates repeating again next year.





 Saturday, January 27 - St. Monica’s Gameshow Challenge

We wanted to thank everyone who came out to support our Gameshow Challenge fundraiser on January 27th!  Whether you attended or volunteered, we appreciate your participation.  We are still awaiting our final accounting, but it’s no question that everyone had fun.  St. Monica’s Grand Pavilion was transformed into a gameshow stage complete with entertaining host, Kevin.  He kept the room involved with the games and spurred some friendly competition among our contestants.  There were plenty of winners during the evening, whether of a trivia game or one of the fantastic raffle prizes.  Although, Habitat for Humanity may have been the biggest winner of all.  Thanks again for your support and we hope to see you soon at an upcoming volunteer opportunity.

Saturday, January 20 – Dedication of Isabel Villas homes

On this very rainy Saturday, a dedication ceremony was held for these newest eight Habitat homes.  We volunteered at this location in August 2022 and April 2023.  At this time, some families had already moved in before for the holidays, while others were getting ready. 

St. Monica’s and its Catholic Coalition partners were recognized for their contributions to this site.



Back to Building: August 2022

The first Saturday in August, we were excited to be back on a Habitat build site in LA!  Habitat for Humanity of Greater LA (HFHGLA) continued building homes with their staff but without volunteers throughout the pandemic.  We spent time on Zoom participating in Catholic Coalition meetings, homeowner selections, and fundraising events, so to be back in person was well overdue.   


For this Catholic Coalition Build Day, we were paired with volunteers from St. Timothy’s in West LA, each bringing 15.  We all met at the site of Isabel Villas in South LA, where eight homes are being built and scheduled for completion next year.  Two homes had already been framed, and the next few spots were readied. 


Our volunteers were a mix of new and familiar faces, and we had a nice time getting to know each other and those from St. Tim’s.  Habitat set out hard hats, gloves, and nail bags for everyone, and after taking a group photo, we gathered to receive our assignments for the day from the site supervisor, Mishelle.  It doesn’t matter whether you know what you’re doing or not, the Habitat crew members are there to help teach and guide you, so you are comfortable with your assignment.  And, if you are still uncomfortable, they are happy to find another task.  There is never a shortage of things to do on a build site.


Everyone came eager to get to work, and you could feel the energy of everyone out there – you could almost say it was “buzzing,” and I’m not referring to the power tools!  And, as the temperatures climbed higher, we took more water breaks and enjoyed the misters set up to keep everyone cool.  While the heat slowed some of us down (speaking for myself), it didn’t lower our spirits or determination to finish what we came to do. And, before we knew it, the day was over, but our hearts were full and eager to participate again.

Angelus News Article: Parishes partner with Habitat for Humanity to take on LA’s homeless crisis

2022 01 25 10 30 41We are honored to support the mission of Habitat for Humanity through our founding membership in the Habitat LA Catholic Coalition, created in 2014 as a way to demonstrate the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching by bringing Catholic churches, schools, and other organizations together to build hope and homes for families in need across greater Los Angeles.


Recently, the Coalition's efforts were featured in an Angelus News Article, with an interview with our very own Associate Director of Outreach and Pastoral Care, Christine Gerety!


You can read the full article by clicking the link below.


Thank you to our volunteers and sponsors who make our work through the Coalition a reality, even in the most difficult times. #StillStMonica 


Angelus News: Parishes partner with Habitat for Humanity to take on LA's homeless crisis


"Welcome Home!" Caravan Parade at Culver City Homes in Late May 2020

  karoo habitat photo

  Kaoru & one of her sons in front of their new home!!


We have exciting news!  Six of the Culver City homes that you helped to build have been completed, and the homeowners have moved in, including our friend Kaoru and her three sons!


To celebrate, Habitat LA hosted a safe & socially-distanced Caravan Parade on Saturday, May 30.  Several of our St. Monica Habitat volunteers were a part of the fun. Cars, festooned with balloons, posters & pom-poms lined-up at Vet's Memorial Park in Culver City, winding their way through the city to Globe Avenue, the location of six newly completed Habitat homes (with four additional homes under construction).


Driving past the beautiful homes, decorated by tons of balloons & thank-you posters, there was a wild and joyous frenzy: of horn-honking, waving from the drivers, and an enthusiasm matched by our new home owners and their families. The energy, smiles, hellos and happiness shared that day was enough to power a city for days!


We look forward to the completion of the additional four homes, and to what we know will be another joyous celebration!




Mon–Fri, 7:00 am - Church

Mon–Fri, 12:10 pm - Church & Livestream 

Sat, 8:00 am - Church & Livestream


Sat, 5:30 pm - Church

Sun, 7:30 am - Church

Sun, 9:30 am - Church & Livestream

Sun, 11:30 am - Church

Sun, 5:30 pm - Church & Livestream


Outdoor seating is available at all weekend Masses.



Mon–Fri. 5:30–6 pm

Sat, 4:30–5:00 pm

There are no confessions on secular holidays or other observances when the parish is closed.


Holy Days & Holidays

Holy Days: additional Vigil and evening Masses, 6:30 p.m.

Holidays: single Mass, 9:30 am with no confessions


Eucharistic Adoration

First & Third Fridays: 7:30–8:30 a.m. & 7–8 p.m. · Church

Second & Fourth Sundays: Noon–3 p.m. · Chapel

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