COVID-19 Response Ministry
Msgr. Torgerson shared a powerful plea from our Holy Father regarding the Coronavirus:
We ask the Lord today for the grace of not falling into indifference, the grace that all the information we have about human suffering might penetrate our hearts and move us to do something for others. - Pope Francis
Let us not fall into indifference
Saint Monica has received an overwhelming response from our parishioners to help those in need.
We are prepared to offer several opportunities for volunteers to assist our community during these uncertain times.
Do you know of an elderly or otherwise vulnerable individual that could use some extra care during this difficult time? We have provided a form for you to include their information so that someone in our community can check on them.
All of these efforts would not be possible without help from our community. We ask that you also consider making a donation to our community's efforts, so that we can keep our livestream ministry, our help to the needy, and our church running through this trying time, as we look hopefully to the continued health and safety of our community. Please consider a donation:
We hope this encourages you to #belovedinthisplace and in spiritual communion with us — knowing you can “pray where you are."

Santa Monicans are urged to apply today at The statewide “CA COVID-19 Rent Relief” program (also commonly referred to as “Housing is Key”) is now open and taking applications to help income-eligible households with 100% of rent and utilities, for both past and future amounts owed. Santa Monica renters and property owners are urged to review income eligibility and apply today at or by calling (833) 430-2122. This rental assistance program, along with the statewide eviction moratorium, is intended to keep families housed, shield tenants from eviction, and help both landlords and tenants recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
Msgr. Torgerson shared a powerful plea from our Holy Father regarding the Coronavirus:
We ask the Lord today for the grace of not falling into indifference, the grace that all the information we have about human suffering might penetrate our hearts and move us to do something for others. - Pope Francis
Let us not fall into indifference
Saint Monica has received an overwhelming response from our parishioners to help those in need.
We are prepared to offer several opportunities for volunteers to assist our community during these uncertain times.
Do you know of an elderly or otherwise vulnerable individual that could use some extra care during this difficult time? We have provided a form for you to include their information so that someone in our community can check on them.
All of these efforts would not be possible without help from our community. We ask that you also consider making a donation to our community's efforts, so that we can keep our livestream ministry, our help to the needy, and our church running through this trying time, as we look hopefully to the continued health and safety of our community. Please consider a donation:
We hope this encourages you to #belovedinthisplace and in spiritual communion with us — knowing you can “pray where you are."

Santa Monicans are urged to apply today at The statewide “CA COVID-19 Rent Relief” program (also commonly referred to as “Housing is Key”) is now open and taking applications to help income-eligible households with 100% of rent and utilities, for both past and future amounts owed. Santa Monica renters and property owners are urged to review income eligibility and apply today at or by calling (833) 430-2122. This rental assistance program, along with the statewide eviction moratorium, is intended to keep families housed, shield tenants from eviction, and help both landlords and tenants recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.