The Sacrament of Confirmation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, is one of the three sacraments of initiation. At Confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens the baptized Christian and endows her or him with gifts to enable us to carry out our mission to be Christ in the world and to continue building God’s kingdom. To be fully a member of the Catholic Church, one needs to be baptized, confirmed, and receive First Communion (Eucharist).
For information regarding Confirmation preparation for teens please visit Teen Confirmation (Grades 9-12) (
At St. Monica, our mission is to form loving disciples who will transform the world. Accordingly, we welcome people at every stage of their faith formation journey. If you are a baptized Catholic, age 18 or older, have received First Holy Communion, and wish to complete your initiation into the Catholic faith, the Adult Confirmation program is for you.
Things to know:
Click here for the Adult Confirmation Schedule
Contact Jenna Clingingsmith () should you have any questions.