Lenten Daily Reflections
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Journey with us as a community with A Time for Mending: Daily Reflections, Actions, and Prayers by Fr. Joseph F. Sica. Let God's Love In this Lent! #StillStMonica


An excerpt from the introduction:


complete pdf files of a time for mending page 01Just when everything lines up in life exactly as we want it, we experience an unanticipated disaster that spoils everything. Our health declines, someone dies, a spouse leaves, bills pile up, friends reject us, our child makes a bad decision…

Such setbacks can sometimes be overwhelming. We can lose hope that life will ever get better. But wait. We are literally wasting our lives if we live with this kind of despair. Instead, when setbacks show up, call on Jesus… stop searching for an escape route and instead invite the problem in, knowing that Jesus is less than a heartbeat away.


There are three ways to participate:

  1. Pick up a copy for your personal study. Booklets will be available starting Ash Wednesday, March 2 at all Masses, at the Parish Office, or at Holy Grounds. 
    *If you are unable to pick up a copy, you can download a copy by clicking the image above.

    Click Here to Download the 2022 Reflection Journal companion - thank you to Diane Gasper!

  2. Watch our Daily Lenten Reflections, which will begin on Ash Wednesday, March 2 presented by members of our community. There is still time to sign up to record a reflection!

  3. For further study and reflection, we offer our Lenten Small Groups. There are several groups and ministries, so you can choose the best way to get involved! Register below!


For more information, check out the tabs below. 


Journey with us as a community with A Time for Mending: Daily Reflections, Actions, and Prayers by Fr. Joseph F. Sica. Let God's Love In this Lent! #StillStMonica


An excerpt from the introduction:


complete pdf files of a time for mending page 01Just when everything lines up in life exactly as we want it, we experience an unanticipated disaster that spoils everything. Our health declines, someone dies, a spouse leaves, bills pile up, friends reject us, our child makes a bad decision…

Such setbacks can sometimes be overwhelming. We can lose hope that life will ever get better. But wait. We are literally wasting our lives if we live with this kind of despair. Instead, when setbacks show up, call on Jesus… stop searching for an escape route and instead invite the problem in, knowing that Jesus is less than a heartbeat away.


There are three ways to participate:

  1. Pick up a copy for your personal study. Booklets will be available starting Ash Wednesday, March 2 at all Masses, at the Parish Office, or at Holy Grounds. 
    *If you are unable to pick up a copy, you can download a copy by clicking the image above.

    Click Here to Download the 2022 Reflection Journal companion - thank you to Diane Gasper!

  2. Watch our Daily Lenten Reflections, which will begin on Ash Wednesday, March 2 presented by members of our community. There is still time to sign up to record a reflection!

  3. For further study and reflection, we offer our Lenten Small Groups. There are several groups and ministries, so you can choose the best way to get involved! Register below!


For more information, check out the tabs below. 


Grupo de Fe en Español

Grupo de Fe en Español

Horario: 5 de marzo a 9 de abril

                11:00 a.m. a 12:30 p.m.

Donde: Caruso “C”


El Consejo de Formación en la Fe de la Iglesia Comunidad Católica de St. Mónica (SMCC) se complace en invitar a todos sus feligreses a su nuevo Grupo de Fe en Español, dando inicio el próximo sábado 5 de marzo, en la Sala Caruso “C” de 11:00 a.m. a 12:30 p.m., en una lista aun abierta.


El propósito del Grupo de Fe en Español es compartir y formarnos más en la fe mientras celebramos la Cuaresma (la cual se inició con la celebración del Miércoles de Ceniza y terminará el Domingo de Resurrección). El sentido de estos 40 días es nuestra preparación espiritual para la Fiesta de Pascua. La Cuaresma es un tiempo de meditación y oración. También es un buen tiempo para la reconciliación, y para reflexionar sobre los retos que afectan al mundo, nuestra comunidad, nuestras familias, y a nosotros mismos.

El Grupo de Fe en Español es gratis

Utilizaremos como fuente de inspiración el libro de reflexión diaria escrito por el Padre Joseph F. Sica traducido al Español: Tiempo Para Reparar: Reflexiones Diarias, Acciones y Oraciones (Cuaresma 2022). Puede recoger su libro después de cada Misa durante el fin de semana, o a su conveniencia en la oficina parroquial o en el café Holy Grounds, o haga clic aquí para descargar una copia electrónica.


Haga clic aqui para descargar una copia de Diario de Reflexión Cuaresma 2022 - la guÍa.


Dadas las condiciones de COVID-19, pedimos encarecidamente que todos usemos una máscara mientras asistimos al Grupo de Fe en Español. Esto no es solo para nuestro propio beneficio, sino también para el beneficio de nuestros compañeros feligreses.


Por favor corran la voz y compartan esta invitación con familiares y amigos.

Para más información pueden contactarnos:

Dominik Gnirs:    |  (213) 804-7261

Josefina McEvoy: (310) 717-0671


Mon–Fri, 7:00 am - Church

Mon–Fri, 12:10 pm - Church & Livestream 

Sat, 8:00 am - Church & Livestream


Sat, 5:30 pm - Church

Sun, 7:30 am - Church

Sun, 9:30 am - Church & Livestream

Sun, 11:30 am - Church

Sun, 5:30 pm - Church & Livestream


Outdoor seating is available at all weekend Masses.



Mon–Fri. 5:30–6 pm

Sat, 4:30–5:00 pm

There are no confessions on secular holidays or other observances when the parish is closed.


Holy Days & Holidays

Holy Days: additional Vigil and evening Masses, 6:30 p.m.

Holidays: single Mass, 9:30 am with no confessions


Eucharistic Adoration

First & Third Fridays: 7:30–8:30 a.m. & 7–8 p.m. · Church

Second & Fourth Sundays: Noon–3 p.m. · Chapel

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