St. Monica Green Team
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Consistent with Catholic Social Teaching and Pope Francis’s call in Laudato Si’: Care for Our Common Home, the St. Monica Green Team is dedicated to protecting our common home.

We strive to provide the St. Monica community with the necessary tools and training to live more sustainably and in solidarity with all of God’s Creation. We aim to transform our social values into actions that consider the disproportionate impact on the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable.




Join JustFaith Sacred Water

As the smoke begins to clear in our community the collective heartbreak is overwhelming. It is now more important than ever that we have to change our relationship with water. 


Sacred Water: Oceans & Ecosystems is an immersive 8 Monday night, virtual program starting February 3, 2025 with an optional one hour orientation February 2 at 7pm. We will explore the impact of the climate crisis on God’s creation and God’s people. Topics include watershed 101, natural disasters and the climate crisis, ocean health, clean water access, pollution, plastics, and environmental racism. 


For more information, click here


Do you have the gift of Graphic Arts? The Green Team is looking for a graphic artist to help …

Are you a graphic designer looking for a way to use your talents to care for God’s creation? The Green Team is usc looking for a graphic designer to create an engaging and informative design for signage on our three-bin waste system across campus. If you’re interested in collaborating on this project, please email us at







Save the Date 
Teen Youth Climate Summit March 8th 



Are you a high school student looking to connect with others who are passionate about the environment?  The St. Monica Green Team, Catholic Climate Covenant and Heal the Bay invite you to spend a Saturday at Loyola Marymount University at the student-led  Youth Climate Summit.  Learn the fundamental science behind climate change and use this knowledge to develop and champion actions that help your peers and your campus be more environmentally aware and active. RSVP will open early February. For more information contact








Greening St. Monica’s Ministries



Spotlight on Simbang Gabi


Congratulations to St. Monica’s Filipino Community for taking the extra steps to make Simbang Gabi sustainable. Simbang Gabi is the beautiful Filipino novena in preparation for Christmas. After the liturgy, attendees enjoyed a lavish reception in the Duval Center. By using the parish’s dishes and flatware they were able to greatly reduce the waste that would have been generated using single-use plastic dishes.  The vast majority of plastic is derived from fossil fuels, meaning its production, from extraction to manufacturing and disposal, releases significant greenhouse gases, contributing directly to global warming; essentially, the more plastic produced, the more fossil fuels are burned, leading to increased carbon emissions.


Think Global Act Local

The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. There have been five major storms in less than a month. Rising sea levels, higher temperatures, and increased frequency of typhoons and extreme weather events can cause floods, landslides, and erosion that pollute water resources, damage infrastructure, destroy crops, and lead to loss of lives and livelihoods. In 2022, the World Risk Index ranked the Philippines as the country with the highest disaster risk.

Join the Green Ambassadors

Separating food waste from the trash during our parish events is not only the law, but it is an important step to ppl reduce methane gas generated at landfills. Methane is almost 30 times more potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Contact us to volunteer!


Green Ambassadors ensure that our parish events and  ministries do the following:

  • Reduce waste by using reusable dishware when possible
  • Eliminate the use of single use plastic water bottles
  • Ensure organics (food) waste  is separated from landfill waste and ends up in the organics dumpster
  • Reduce use of all single-use plastic products
  • Source 100% fiber-based single use materials for events when single use disposables are necessary
  • Ensure an effective, high-quality recycling program on campus guide


Green Ambassador Training Video & Resources available HERE

Check out this18 minute training to help you and your ministry comply with new laws governing waste management at St. Monica. Learn what to buy for your event and how to manage the waste stream while on campus.











In Case You Missed It


A maze made of water bottles in front of a building    Description automatically generated

Integral Ecology Labyrinth


As a parish we can do our part and REFUSE, REDUCE and RETHINK our relationship to single use plastic one water bottle (or one coffee cup) at a time.  Read more about the labyrinth here





Don’t recognise the number? St Monica Green Team updates are texted from 855.276.4119 (via Flocknotes). Add this number to  your phone contacts so you never miss an update.


Recent news


Green Ambassador Training smbeach

The St. Monica Green Team trained representatives from several ministries on how to ensure their social gatherings are in compliance with Santa Monica and state recycling/composting laws as well as reflect the goals set forth by Pope Francis in his two letters on Caring for our Common Home.


When we fail to manage our waste properly or choose to neglect the call to  reduce our plastic consumption, our beaches suffer. When we turn a blind eye and refuse to take responsibility for our throw away society, the children of the world suffer.The United States is the largest exporter of plastic waste products to developing nations. As a parish we can do our part and REFUSE, REDUCE and RETHINK our relationship to single use plastic one coffee cup at a time.




Laudato Si Resources

 Watch the Vatican’s film, The Letter, for free on YouTube or hold a screening ,


Don’t forget to visit the Laudato Si’ Action Platform to see how you might begin to take action.





The Laudato Si’ Action Platform was developed by the Vatican to:

  • • Uphold life and the dignity of each human person 
  • • Support families and future generations 
  • • Love the poor and vulnerable 
  • • Advocate for basic rights and a just economy 
  • • Be in solidarity with all, as one human family 
  • • Care for all of God’s creation 



Praise be to you, our Lord, God of all Creation!


St. Monica Green Team no text

Consistent with Catholic Social Teaching and Pope Francis’s call in Laudato Si’: Care for Our Common Home, the St. Monica Green Team is dedicated to protecting our common home.

We strive to provide the St. Monica community with the necessary tools and training to live more sustainably and in solidarity with all of God’s Creation. We aim to transform our social values into actions that consider the disproportionate impact on the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable.




Join JustFaith Sacred Water

As the smoke begins to clear in our community the collective heartbreak is overwhelming. It is now more important than ever that we have to change our relationship with water. 


Sacred Water: Oceans & Ecosystems is an immersive 8 Monday night, virtual program starting February 3, 2025 with an optional one hour orientation February 2 at 7pm. We will explore the impact of the climate crisis on God’s creation and God’s people. Topics include watershed 101, natural disasters and the climate crisis, ocean health, clean water access, pollution, plastics, and environmental racism. 


For more information, click here


Do you have the gift of Graphic Arts? The Green Team is looking for a graphic artist to help …

Are you a graphic designer looking for a way to use your talents to care for God’s creation? The Green Team is usc looking for a graphic designer to create an engaging and informative design for signage on our three-bin waste system across campus. If you’re interested in collaborating on this project, please email us at







Save the Date 
Teen Youth Climate Summit March 8th 



Are you a high school student looking to connect with others who are passionate about the environment?  The St. Monica Green Team, Catholic Climate Covenant and Heal the Bay invite you to spend a Saturday at Loyola Marymount University at the student-led  Youth Climate Summit.  Learn the fundamental science behind climate change and use this knowledge to develop and champion actions that help your peers and your campus be more environmentally aware and active. RSVP will open early February. For more information contact








Greening St. Monica’s Ministries



Spotlight on Simbang Gabi


Congratulations to St. Monica’s Filipino Community for taking the extra steps to make Simbang Gabi sustainable. Simbang Gabi is the beautiful Filipino novena in preparation for Christmas. After the liturgy, attendees enjoyed a lavish reception in the Duval Center. By using the parish’s dishes and flatware they were able to greatly reduce the waste that would have been generated using single-use plastic dishes.  The vast majority of plastic is derived from fossil fuels, meaning its production, from extraction to manufacturing and disposal, releases significant greenhouse gases, contributing directly to global warming; essentially, the more plastic produced, the more fossil fuels are burned, leading to increased carbon emissions.


Think Global Act Local

The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. There have been five major storms in less than a month. Rising sea levels, higher temperatures, and increased frequency of typhoons and extreme weather events can cause floods, landslides, and erosion that pollute water resources, damage infrastructure, destroy crops, and lead to loss of lives and livelihoods. In 2022, the World Risk Index ranked the Philippines as the country with the highest disaster risk.

Join the Green Ambassadors

Separating food waste from the trash during our parish events is not only the law, but it is an important step to ppl reduce methane gas generated at landfills. Methane is almost 30 times more potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Contact us to volunteer!


Green Ambassadors ensure that our parish events and  ministries do the following:

  • Reduce waste by using reusable dishware when possible
  • Eliminate the use of single use plastic water bottles
  • Ensure organics (food) waste  is separated from landfill waste and ends up in the organics dumpster
  • Reduce use of all single-use plastic products
  • Source 100% fiber-based single use materials for events when single use disposables are necessary
  • Ensure an effective, high-quality recycling program on campus guide


Green Ambassador Training Video & Resources available HERE

Check out this18 minute training to help you and your ministry comply with new laws governing waste management at St. Monica. Learn what to buy for your event and how to manage the waste stream while on campus.











In Case You Missed It


A maze made of water bottles in front of a building    Description automatically generated

Integral Ecology Labyrinth


As a parish we can do our part and REFUSE, REDUCE and RETHINK our relationship to single use plastic one water bottle (or one coffee cup) at a time.  Read more about the labyrinth here





Don’t recognise the number? St Monica Green Team updates are texted from 855.276.4119 (via Flocknotes). Add this number to  your phone contacts so you never miss an update.


Recent news


Green Ambassador Training smbeach

The St. Monica Green Team trained representatives from several ministries on how to ensure their social gatherings are in compliance with Santa Monica and state recycling/composting laws as well as reflect the goals set forth by Pope Francis in his two letters on Caring for our Common Home.


When we fail to manage our waste properly or choose to neglect the call to  reduce our plastic consumption, our beaches suffer. When we turn a blind eye and refuse to take responsibility for our throw away society, the children of the world suffer.The United States is the largest exporter of plastic waste products to developing nations. As a parish we can do our part and REFUSE, REDUCE and RETHINK our relationship to single use plastic one coffee cup at a time.




Laudato Si Resources

 Watch the Vatican’s film, The Letter, for free on YouTube or hold a screening ,


Don’t forget to visit the Laudato Si’ Action Platform to see how you might begin to take action.





The Laudato Si’ Action Platform was developed by the Vatican to:

  • • Uphold life and the dignity of each human person 
  • • Support families and future generations 
  • • Love the poor and vulnerable 
  • • Advocate for basic rights and a just economy 
  • • Be in solidarity with all, as one human family 
  • • Care for all of God’s creation 



Praise be to you, our Lord, God of all Creation!


Our Church Calls Us

Prayer and Reflection


Join Green Team

winter our church calls usFrom Genesis to Laudato Si'

Caring for the Earth has always been at the core of our Catholic tradition. In Genesis, God creates the good Earth for humankind, on the condition that we care for it as His stewards. The rest of the Bible continues this theme, from awe of creation in Psalms to our responsibility to care for it in Paul’s epistles. Preached over 1,000 years later, St. Francis of Assisi’s teachings also emphasized the theme that all of creation must be respected and praised as the handiwork of God.


pope francis laudo siMore recently, in encyclicals by current and past popes, we are called to recognize our mutual responsibility to restore the damages inflicted on earth. Pope Francis shook the world in 2015 with his letter to the Catholic community, titled Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. It was the first time a major faith leader publicly acknowledged our environmental crisis and reminded the faith community of our responsibility to creation. His powerful language includes:

  • "The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all."
  • "Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last 200 years."
  • "We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it."

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops reiterated this responsibility, saying Care for Creation is “not just an Earth Day slogan, [but] a requirement of our faith.”


Faith Organizations Taking Action Today

Today, millions of the faithful across the globe work to care for our common home. A truly ecumenical community has formed. Read below to learn about four groups highlighting the range of activities and depth of their commitment.


United States Catholic Conference of Bishops

USCCB’s Catholic Campaign for Human Development partners with over 70 community-based organizations in 25 states and has invested more than $3.2 million to support environmental justice. USCCB’s Laudato Si’ Advocates Program equips individuals with skills to advocate for legislation promoting the integral ecology described in Laudato Si’.


Interfaith Power and Light

IPL’s Cool Congregations program helps congregations reduce the carbon footprint of their facilities and in their members’ homes. IPL also supports Faithful Advocacy Captains and offers movie series resources to spark discussion about climate change.


Laudato Si’ Movement

Formerly known as the Global Catholic Climate Movement, the Laudato Si’ Movement aims to inspire and mobilize the Catholic community to care for our common home and achieve climate and ecological justice. They host the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, which promotes sustainable living plans for both individuals and parish communities.


Catholic Climate Covenant

Catholic Climate Covenant’s Catholic Energies provides expertise to design and finance sustainable projects that reduce parishes’ energy costs. The Catholic Climate Ambassadors are expert envoys available to deliver Catholic teaching on climate change.


Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Through conferences, publications, newsletters, and a robust web presence, the Forum explores the diversity of religious worldviews, texts, and ethics to contribute to environmental solutions.



Mon–Fri, 7:00 am - Church

Mon–Fri, 12:10 pm - Church & Livestream 

Sat, 8:00 am - Church & Livestream


Sat, 5:30 pm - Church

Sun, 7:30 am - Church

Sun, 9:30 am - Church & Livestream

Sun, 11:30 am - Church

Sun, 5:30 pm - Church & Livestream


Outdoor seating is available at all weekend Masses.



Mon–Fri. 5:30–6 pm

Sat, 4:30–5:00 pm

There are no confessions on secular holidays or other observances when the parish is closed.


Holy Days & Holidays

Holy Days: additional Vigil and evening Masses, 6:30 p.m.

Holidays: single Mass, 9:30 am with no confessions


Eucharistic Adoration

First & Third Fridays: 7:30–8:30 a.m. & 7–8 p.m. · Church

Second & Fourth Sundays: Noon–3 p.m. · Chapel

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