Are you a Catholic Creative?

Use your skills, talents, and passion to...spread the good news!

Communication is vital to all our ministries, liturgies, outreach, and evangelization. Jesus’ used the power of stories — parables — to connect with everyone he encountered.


There are so many unique and compelling stories at St. Monica longing to be heard, but we need a team of curators and narrators — we need your eyes and your voice — to share these accounts in the most creative ways we can imagine.

Gather for either info session and help us conceptualize the launch of this new ministry of storytelling:


Wed, July 1 • 6:30 p.m.


We're looking for:

  • Photographers: Literally everyday, there is a story to be told through the lens. Be there to capture it.
  • Videographers: Sound and motion bringan extra dimension to allow people to be seen and heard.
  • Writers: There’s more than just who, what, where, and how. Share the “why” in everything we do.
  • Designers: Layout and typography are the unsung heroes of communication on the page.
  • Illustrators: Let’s move beyond the expected clip art and provide a visual explanation that inspires.
  • Digital Producers: Stories, posts, likes, shares ― we have to reach people on the platform they choose and use.


Questions? Contact:

Merrick Siebenaler, Dir. Strategic Communications
(310) 566-1514  


 Click HERE to Register



Mon–Fri, 7:00 am - Church

Mon–Fri, 12:10 pm - Church & Livestream 

Sat, 8:00 am - Church & Livestream


Sat, 5:30 pm - Church

Sun, 7:30 am - Church

Sun, 9:30 am - Church & Livestream

Sun, 11:30 am - Church

Sun, 5:30 pm - Church & Livestream


Outdoor seating is available at all weekend Masses.



Mon–Fri. 5:30–6 pm

Sat, 4:30–5:00 pm

There are no confessions on secular holidays or other observances when the parish is closed.


Holy Days & Holidays

Holy Days: additional Vigil and evening Masses, 6:30 p.m.

Holidays: single Mass, 9:30 am with no confessions


Eucharistic Adoration

First & Third Fridays: 7:30–8:30 a.m. & 7–8 p.m. · Church

Second & Fourth Sundays: Noon–3 p.m. · Chapel

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