Suzanne Verge |  We are so grateful for the decades of friendship we have shared with you! You married us (30+ years ago!) and baptizing Jeff & our kids! You opened our eyes and hearts to the Holy Land and Holy Cross which we will be forever grateful to you. We are sending you all our love, Jeff, Suzanne, Christopher Lloyd and Riley Photo from 1991 - St. Monica High School Class of 81 Ten Year Reunion |
Margaret & John Given | 55years. What a milestone!! Congratulations, you’re THE BEST ! We love you!! In deep gratitude, Margaret and John and family |
Tobe Okocha |  Cheers to your 55th Anniversary Msgr. Lloyd. God Bless! -Tobes |
Natasha Davidson | Dear Monsignor, Twenty four years ago you baptized me at St. Monica's after I completed RCIA I remember feeling a mysterious joy as you stood there with me pouring water on my head. You looked at me, smiled and said "I got you good!" And you most certainly did. I have always been amazed as someone converted from another religion how much you have given and continue to give to welcome everyone and to make St. Monica's a home for everyone. I was truly called and I am so grateful for my experience. I look forward to the day we are all together again at mass. God Bless you and keep you well. Thank you for making St Monica's the home I needed. Thank you for your 55 years. Peace be with you, |
Patricia Summers |  Congratulations on you 55th year anniversary Monsignor. It has been a blessing to have your leadership during our 37 years at St Monica. We especially feel our grateful to have participated in so many celebrations with you including the baptism of our children, Cameron’s graduation from high school, and our trips to Israel and Africa. Of course working with you on parish engagement and the strategic plan was amazing. Thank you for all of your support and blessings throughout the years. |
Florian Alcoba |  Dear Msgr. Torgerson, Greetings to you and congratulations on your 55th anniversary of ordination!!! What an incredible feat and blessing for us Santa Monica church parishioners to have you as our pastor for over 25 years. That only shows how much great service and dedication you’ve done in the service of God! You officiated at the 50th wedding anniversary of my beloved parents in 1990, Wilfredo and Nene Quintos, parishioners for 24 years (they’re both in heaven now!) and I’d like to share a photo taken from the front of the church on that day. |
Susan Singh |  Personal memory yes as a child, then as a teen, we always loved having you visit and hang out at the Van Valkenburgh home. Then as a young adult, I was working with my mom the summer between HS and college, and we would go to the Bagel Nash, and there you were, riding up on your bike to get your bagel too. Always a blessing to see you. Susan Singh VanV. |
| |
Maria Lingbanan |  Happy 55th Anniversary, Monsignor!! So thankful to celebrate you and the service you’ve given to our beloved parish all these years. We love you and hope you enjoy this blessed day! —Maria Lingbanan |
Mimi & Alethea Black |  Dear Monsignor: We have been so blessed by your smiling face, your high energy, and your world-class homilies that are our favorite kind -- both Scriptural and contemporary at the same time. Thank you for sharing so much of your spirit with us every day. You are a wonderful example of a Christian (in addition to everything else you do). My mother and I have only known you to show love and tolerance, no matter the circumstance. We offer all your prayers of the past 55 years (within our own) every time we pray. We like to be crafty that way. My how your mother must be proud. (That is from my mom.) With love, Mimi and Alethea PS We hope you don't mind but amongst ourselves we call you Torgy. |
Marcel Loh | Hi Msgr, Congrats on your 55 years guiding all of us to A better and blessed life. Jane and I wish you 55 more? God Bless Marcel and Jane Loh |
Dr. Joseph Metoyer | Blessings to you my Brother. God has smiled on you and you have worn that smile well. Your sincere and thoughtful personality beams bright throughout our community. May our Lord richly bless you and keep you is my prayer for you. In His service, Joe Pastor/Teacher ACTS-A Church That Studies |
Eileen Selogie |  Happy Anniversary & Congratulations, Monsignor! Such a crazy year we have had in 2020. Thank you for being our leader in faith and love all these years. We miss seeing you in person. With love from Mark and EIleen |
Esperanza Agbayani | Dear Msgr. Happy 55th Anniversary ! You are exceptional in service and surely you have touched and made impact to a many families and lost souls because of generosity of your time and humble service to others. I am a new parishioner and yet you welcomed me and Michael when he requested to see you last year. Raised as Catholic and schooled in Catholic school all the way to college and all through my life you are the only spiritual adviser that made me and Michael (considering he is Jewish) welcome and special. I praise the Lord for the gift of you and may you have more healthy and lively years to come. Sincerely, Esperanza |
Carol Baker | Birthday greetings from Dallas Texas Ron &Carol Baker(Keith’s) folks Wish you all the best & truly thank you for shepherding those who serve with you to serve unselfishly? |
Geoconda Ruiz-Hoffman | Congratulations on your 55th Anniversary. We are Blessed to have you as our Pastor and I am especially Blessed to have gotten to know you through Ministry service. You have Blessed us by Marrying us and helping in the services when my Beloved Mother passed away and many other life journeys. You will always hold a special place in my heart and are always in my prayers. We are so lucky to have you as a Pastor during these turbulent times. We so appreciate seeing you in our living room through Livestream. The services have been beautiful, heartwarming and emotional. Thank you for continuing to have the Juice even when we are not all around. Love and Blessings - Geoconda and Andy Hoffman |
Brad Wilhite | Congratulations and happy 55th anniversary Msgr. Torgerson! We are truly blessed to have you as our Priest. God Bless you. Love, Debbie, Brad & Madison Wilhite |
Connie Simons | HAPPY Anniversary!! I thank God for you. |
Pat Robles | Dear Msgr., 55 years! How wonderful. You are an inspiration to all of us. You are a wonderful pastor & I miss you very much. I so enjoyed cooking for you. I wish I were still able to do it. Also have wonderful memories of you with Betsy. She so loved working for you. You were so good when she passed away. I will never forget your kindness and your help. I loved all the ministries I worked in. May you have a wonderful anniversary. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Keep well & safe. Love & Prayers, Pat |
Tom Oser | Monsignor, You and St. Monica's Community are one, and mutually blessed. Your decision to continue could not have foreseen this current critical situation, but your continued presence and leadership has made all the difference for us all. God bless you in your continued journey with this wonderful community. Lover and blessings, The Oser Family (Tom, Valrie, Thomas and Alexandria) |
Sandra Gonzalez |  Monsignor, I lived in Los Angeles for 6 years before finding St. Monica. It was recommended to me by my boss, who sang the praises of the church's lead pastor -- a man she said had a gift for bringing people together and message of accepting all. From my first time at mass, I felt touched by your message and inspired by your humble approach to spreading God's word. After becoming a member of the St. Monica family, this city feels like home in a way it never did before. Thank you for all the ways you've been apart of the biggest blessings in my life -- you've married my husband and I, encouraged me to join RCIA and given me guidance throughout. And I know my story is just one of thousands. I see the true power of our God in your story: For it was a mere a seed of faith that ultimately led you to answer God's call to serve. That seed became my boss's seed. It became mine. It built this family. I thank God for you and that he saw fit to make you part of my life. I will spend the rest of my life trying to show him my thanks for the blessing that is you. Love, Sandra and Michael |
Stephen & Carol Bayliss | Congratulations, Msgr. Torgerson, I'm class of 1965 too from MIT. I've know you since you arrived at St Monica and have enjoyed every bit of the time. You have a gift for speaking from the heart and helping me to be a better person. Hoping for many more years to come with you. Steve Msgr. I so appreciate your kindness and acceptance of me. I have enjoyed traveling with you to the Holy Land and look forward to going to Africa with you. You have a give for speaking and being honest with your church. Your energy is amazing and contagious. Thank you for being one of my pastors and spiritual leaders. Carol |
Gustavo De Greiff | Dear Magr. I’m blessed because you are my pastor. You have been responsible for keeping my faith and being part of the church Happy 55 year anniversary you can’t imagine all the good that you have done in the past 55 years With much love Gustavo de Greiff |
Angela Morris | We have been in the St. Monica fold for all of the 30+ years you have been leading us. Your devotion to and love of God, and for your fold, has sustained us all for these many, many years! You have guided us and blessed us with your humility and sincerity and have always been a great reflection of God's love for us all. You support us with all that is good, with all that is GREAT! You are such a special friend. We are honored with what we are able to share together with you, especially the brilliance of the St Monica liturgy, prayers and devotions and warm community! You are always in our prayers especially TODAY! What a blessing for YOU!! We love you. Angela and Chuck |
Wah Chen | Monsignor you are Hope Faith Strength and Acceptance personified. Seeing you presided over Easter 930 mass and hearing your voice live streamed during this unbelievable calamity is so centering and calming and important. Thank you for your work and care and leadership at St Monica’s. You make the world a much better place for so many, myself included. |
Jacintha Knapp |  Dearest Msgr. Torgerson, Congratulation for your 55th Anniversary of Priesthood! We're very blessed to have met you and listened to your energetic and loving homilies whenever we attended the masses at St. Monica. Although, we're technically not parishioners at St. Monica, for the last several years, we've been attending the Christmas Midnight Masses and Easter Morning Masses. We're saddened that we're not able to celebrate with you in person for this year Easter. We've also supported St. Monica Building Funds in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Please be extremely careful not to contract the coronavirus due to your underlining medical issue. I pray everyday for leaders like you. So God provides his blessings for wisdom and great health. May God bless world and country! Lots of Love and Blessings, Jacintha & David Knapp |
Dee Iles Lattimore | Hello, I attended service for Ash Wednesday. Msgr Torgerson was the priest that gave sermon which I truly enjoyed his message , but most of all his way with presenting his words he has love in his heart you can feel it ! I’m so happy I found him , once we are able to go back to mass , you can count me in . Kindly, Dee God bless |
Debra Hale | Hi Msgr. Torgerson, Congratulations on your 55th anniversary! I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your service and all that you’ve done to continue to make everyone feel like a community in these trying times. I have been streaming the 5:30pm mass every week and it’s brought me and my family such joy. The way you’ve continued to incorporate music is truly uplifting and brings back joyous memories of my time as a student at Saint Monica’s. Thank you so much for all that you’ve done to bring light into our lives. I wish you health and happiness for the next 55! Very best, Debra Hale Class of ‘08 |
Josie Tong |  Dear Monsignor, Happy Anniversary and many, many more! We are truly blessed to have you! Attached is a photo of you presiding over our morning mass in Tabgha on 10/19/2013. It was my favorite spot on the entire pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As I sat in my seat and looked out at the Sea of Galilee, I could imagine Jesus walked towards us any moment. Thank you so much for everything, and please take care of yourself! Love Josie |
Katie Paris |  Congratulations ! 55 years of doing what you love ~ what a blessing. Thank you for blessing all of us through the years. This photo is from when you baptized Kyle on 3/12/95, just a few years ago! We look forward to many more years of your inspiring words. Love, The Paris’ |
Stephen Gamber | Congratulations! Happy 55th Anniversary! I've been coming to St. Monica's since 1988. I look forward to your Homilies each week. I love listening to your wisdom. Stephen |
Susan Harr | Dear Monsignor, Your leadership and welcoming spirit @ St Monica’s has had such a powerful impact on our adult daughters and their continued faith development! The time they spent as part of St. Monica’s community changed their lives forever! May God graciously Bless you on your Birthday! Thank you for your witness!! |
Charlie Smith | Dear Msgr Lloyd, Congratulations on the first 55. You have been an extraordinary leader, life model and friend over many years and I am delighted to have this time of celebration to thank you for all of that. You have made many of our lives more meaningful, more productive, more fun and just plain better. I hope you can cram another 55 into the 25 or 30 that we have left. Mega thanks and all best wishes, Carol and Charlie Smith |
Monica Camacho | Thank you for welcoming me in your house! |
Everett Alexander |  My Dear Msgr Torgerson: I shall never forget receiving my Sacraments from you on Holy Saturday, April 20, 2019. If you recall, I wept through the 3+hour ceremony. I have always dreamed that the Holy Spirit would fill me. On that evening, He did. And continues to fill me every day with every breath I take. Standing next to you on the Altar and serving as a Eucharist Minister has brought me such joy., Thank you seems so inadequate for what you have given to me. I am a changed man because of your presence in my life. God bless you my Pastor, Teacher & Guide, Everett C. Alexander,PhD |
Mark Ofreneo | Hello Msgr. Torgerson, Congratulations on your 55th anniversary! What an extraordinary achievement. We are so blessed to have you. Thank you for all that you do. Sincerely, Mark Ofreneo |
Patrick De Mendoza |  I wanted to thank and congratulate you on your anniversary! St. Monica's has always held such a dear spot to me. My Father Michael, and his twin brother Pat were brothers there when my grandma worked in the cafeteria. He also taught at St. Monica's in the 60's. I know that he also confided in you when my Mom was ill as well as in his later days when he was fighting cancer. A battle he lost 3 years ago. You are a blessing to all of us in this community and I am so thankful for your spirit, words and leadership. I pray that you too are well, and that when this all passes, I may shack your hand and thank you once again. GOD bless ! |
Rosie, Kevin, Kimberly & Dan Morris | HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MONSIGNOR!!! Thank you so very much for all you do! It is a true joy and a blessing to be a part of your parish, to see you lead your flock so faithfully! You are a true inspiration for our family... GOD Bless You Always! !!✝️ Love, Rosie & Kevin, Kimberly & Dan |
John Mooney | Dear Msgr., Thank you for your tireless and undefeatable efforts in building this community over the past many years. May God continue to bless and protect you. All the Best, John Mooney (long time lector and parishoner) |
Mary Jo Dalton |  Wow, 50 is awesome but 55 is really awesome. Congratulations! I have so many memories of you and my service to St. Monica that I cant list them all here. Here is a picture of you talking to the students of St. James in Dandora. |
Carolina Petersen |  To our beloved Pastor, Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson You have been the spark that lit our Family's fire from our wedding, to our sons baptisms, 1st communions, confirmations, and everything in between. Thank you for always being there for The Petersen Family. May God continue to Bless and guide you. |
Kristy Soto |  Congratulations to you Msgr. Torgerson! Happy 55th! We are so blessed to have you as our pastor. From my high school years, our wedding, our kids baptisms, communions, confirmations, their high school graduations to our extended families events you’ve been there for us. It’s been a blessing to be part of St. Monica Catholic Community. May God Continue to Bless You! You’re the Best. We love you, Kristy (Cruz) ‘89, Ernie, Emma ‘16 and Ernie ‘17 Soto |
Chris Ahearn |  Monsignor Torgerson, I am a "cradle" Catholic. In 1990 a friend drove me from Redlands, CA to service one Sunday evening at St. Monica's. Mass was so different than what I had ever experienced at church before. It was spiritual and uplifting. I remember vividly a key line in your homily where you talked about a palm tree outside your parents home. When returning home one time you looked at the tree and realized you had forgotten it was there. You then said, "Brothers and Sister, Christ is that Palm Tree. He has always been there!". Wow! After that, I made the drive once a month for several months. In the mid '90's I moved to LA and attended regularly before moving to Texas. In 2005 I returned, and both of my children received their First Communion at St. Monica's. You used a McDonald's Happy Meal and the surprise inside as a wonderful and relevant metaphor for the gift of Christ. My wife, Jill is the daughter of an Assemblies of God Pastor and Assistant District Superintendent, went through RCIA and is now a Eucharistic Minister bringing Christ to those in the hospital. Jill's father originally married us, but we were remarried in the Catholic Church shortly after Jill joined became a Catholic. We moved to San Diego in 2010; but I follow you on twitter and listen to some of your pod casts. This Easter we sat and attended St. Monica's via live stream and were so thankful for the wonderful service. My faith is often challenged, but somehow through the Holy Spirit I end up connecting with you and the St. Monica's community and my faith is renewed. Happy 50th. You've touched me an my family more than you will ever know. May God continue to bless YOU and St. Monica's community. |
Chuck Milan | Congratulations Monsignor on your extraordinary life of service and accomplishment! Chuck Milan |
Annette Gerosa | Msgr.Lloyd Torgerson, I read this once and it stuck “If your only prayer today is ‘thank you’, then that is enough.” Thank you, Monsignor. So much is loaded in that message of appreciation. Near or far, please know you are appreciated. Like our Father God you have been the core of our faith community. Another prayer I lean on is “when you think God is faraway, guess who moved.” Thank you for selflessly being the strong center of St. Monica. Many blessings, Annette Gerosa |
Laura Lenée |  Happy Anniversary Msgr. Torgerson! You are a blessing to our Lord, our Church, our world, our nation, our state, our town, our Catholic Community, St. Monica's and to me! Thank you for Baptizing and Confirming me into the Catholic Church and our Catholic Community at the Easter Vigil in 2011 at St. Monica's. Thank you for guiding us with love, compassion and fire! I wish we could all be together to celebrate your 55th Anniversary. We will have to have an enormous celebration of thanksgiving for you when we are once again able come together in person as community. Thank you for you! |
Lily Nyamutswa | Happy Anniversary Monsignor! We are so blessed and fortunate to have you in our lives. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. The highlight of my day are the daily Mass. Sincerely, LilyN |
Kathy & Doug Olson | Congratulations msgr. I hope you never leave the vineyard! We love you and we love St. Monica's. I received my first holy Communion 60 years ago and it grieves me that I couldn't come to mass today. |
Annmarie & Don McCowan | Hello MSGR We are so appreciative of who you are and all you do. You have been there to celebrate our times of joys , but most importantly you stood with us in our darkest hours. We love you deeply and prayer for your continued good health. You stand as a beacon for all of us - especially during these trying times. All our love and thank you for your years of dedicated service on behalf of our God and our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. !!❤️❤️!! |
Sharon Dandorf | Congratulations Msgr!! You bring tremendous JOY to all of us always!! |
Cathy Zaino | Hello Msgr, I am from Columbus, Ohio. I go to St. Monica ‘s every time I’m in L.A. visiting my son. I remember my first Mass there so well. You said that Mass and It was the most uplifting and welcoming experience ever. I could see that you have a special gift of conveying God’s love and mercy to everyone without judgement. Your Easter Mass which I watched virtually this year was very special as well. Happy Anniversary and may God shower you with Blessings and good health! |
Debra Moceri |  Dear Msgr, Congratulations! BTW I have been meaning to write you for some time since I learned of your cancer diagnosis last year (?), and was looking forward to seeing you this year on Easter Sun. I'm glad to see you on Livestream now, at least! This email probably will be way too long but bear with me! We are a couple from San Diego that attend Easter Mass at St. Monica's Every year, and we've (my husband, Danny, and I) have talked to you several times "in line" prior to 9:30 Easter Mass the last 10 years. My brother who lives in Santa Monica always has our Easter dinner and I've attended Easter Mass at St. Monica's since moving to SD in 1994. 2020 is the first year we've ever missed Easter Mass, it's the highlight of our holiday for me! I also attended St. Monica's from 1990-1993 when I lived in town. I wanted to write you after your cancer diagnosis to invite you to a beautiful Healing Mass for Cancer, if you ever had the chance, at Our Lady of the Rosary, in Little Italy, San Diego, the Fisherman's church, known as the jewel of Little Italy, through intercession of St. Peregrine, and St. Anthony Zacharria. The Barbabite order are our Priests. This Mass was every 3rd Monday at 6:00 p.m., and it just happened to start in May, 2018, and that's when, surprisingly and incredibly, I was diagnosed with 2 cancers, Stage IV. We've attended every Mass, but now this Mass is suspended temporarily of course, and we miss it so much. We pray the Rosary first, then Benediction, the Litany of the Saints, and then Mass and annointing with oil, it has been so instrumental in our personal healing. The invitation will stand for you when the healing Mass is back in session. Also, In July 2018, my husband suffered a major heart attack, we were already at the hospital, then he went Code Blue in front of my eyes, but our beautiful Lord restored him to me. I felt the Blessed Mother with me so strongly as I waited an eternity for word on my husband from the Drs. that day. We had attended 3 Healing Masses before my husband's heart attack, and had also visited St. Peregrine's Chapel several times in Mission San Juan Capistrano. And Good news, we attended Easter Mass at St. Monica's in 2019! The good news is I remain on immunotherapy and after Easter this year, I received good news on my scans, thanks be to God, the medicine is working, there is hope!. My husband too, is doing well, praise be to our Beloved Lord! You are, and always have been, a wonderful Pastor, congratulations! NOW, a funny story, in 1990 or so, my Mother (she'll be 99 on May 7th) and I were walking near the Church that day, and I remember telling my Mom how much I LOVED Mass at St. Monica's, and we then saw you as you were jogging through the neighborhood, and I pointed you out to her. As it turns out, she was a little "shocked" to see you jogging and said "well what is he doing, why is he dressed like that?", and I quickly said " running for good health, Mother!" I think I covered it pretty well! God bless you Monsignor, St. Monica's Livestream is my spiritual lifeline now, and it is so beautifully done, and uplifting. May Jesus Christ, the Nazorean. Continue his healing blessings. Debbie Moceri |
Barbara Menchaca | Wishing you a happy 55th anniversary. So glad you are my pastor for the last 25 years. |
Francis Ota |  Monsignor, Congratulations on leading your folk at St Monica for 55 years. You certainly have the love, respect, and adoration of all who are your sheep. I certainly felt the big warm welcome I received from you, when I first came with Nicole. We hear you, our Good Shepherd, and we follow. Thank you and Christ's Peace. Francis Ota |
Maureen Flaherty | 55 YEARS?! You are absolutely amazing. My parents, siblings and I are lucky to call you family and words cannot express how much we admire you! Chip and I are so looking forward to being able to be married by you in July. Thank you thank you for everything! Love, Maureen |
Teresita Ong |  To Monsignor Torgerson, our beloved "shepherd" at St. Monica's, In green pastures you make us lie down; to still waters you lead us; you restore our soul. You guide us along right paths. Even though we walk through the valley of darkness, we fear no evil, for you are with us with your rod and your staff. Here is a photo I took of you with your "rod" and your "staff" at the Filipino Simbang Gabi 2019. Maraming salamat po! Teresita "Terri" Ong |
Eric Whitmore | Thanks you for bringing so much life into my life. God will bless you again. Eric |
Kimberly Poquiz |  Dear Msgr. Torgerson, Happy 55th anniversary of your priesthood! Your stories during your homilies give us so much wisdom and so much joy about the word of the Lord. I pray that you continue to be strong and healthy as you serve our wonderful community in Santa Monica. Your heart is truly made of gold and your smile brightens up the entire church every time we see you. We love you so much and our prayers are always with you. Sincerely, Kimberly Poquiz and Family |
David Baram | So proud and honored to have you as our Pastor!!! Congrats!! |
Leo Mangrobang | Msgr, Congratulations! 55 years of turning simple bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and feeding God’s people the Eucharist! Thank You God Bless you always ? Leo M |
Janet Clark | Dear Monsignor, Congratulations on your 55th anniversary! You have directly affected so many people! You have been a blessing to Tom and me since we started attending St. Monica in 1971. You gave strength to us as Tom and I battled his cancer. Your personal attention was always so important and comforting, especially at the end of his life. Thank you! God bless you. Janet |
Jim Berchtold | Happy Anniversary Msgr - you are a blessing to us all - I know Amy is joining me in sending these wishes to you - you were very special to her - continue to be well and safe |
Amanda Demers | Congratulations and best wishes for being such a blessed and beacon for the love and divine guidance of our Lord. |
Dana Sephton | Hello Monsignor, Congratulations on 55 years of priesthood! Thank you for being you and the caring, considerate pastor that you are. You have opened up the means and ways for St. Monica to be a true welcoming community for all. Thank you for your loving service to God and his people. May His blessings, peace and love fill you always. Dana Sephton |
Laura & Ava Salinas | Dear Msgr. Torgerson, Ava and I send you much love and heartfelt congratulations on your Anniversary. The big 55th ? What a blessing to have you in service ? and in our lives!!! We are enjoying your services and look forward to see you in person soon. With love and gratitude, Laura & Ava |
Nick & Katherine Montejano |  God bless you Msgr. Torgerson! You have been the shining light in our lives and have been there every step of the way of our spiritual journey. You were there to baptism me (Nick), marry us, and have blessed our pregnancy. Forever grateful for your wisdom, guidance, and passion in leading us and our community. Thank you father for all you do! |
Mary Clare Williams | You inspire me for the Best in wanting to be Catholic in new, thoughtful, and understanding ways...
God bless you, Mary Clare Williams |
Eileen McDermott | Happy Anniversary Monsignor. We have been so blessed to have you lead us and guide us for so many years. Back in the late 1980's I was searching for a Church where I would feel welcomed. A daughter (a student at St. Monica HS) of a close friend said to me one night "Eileen, you should go to St. Monica's. Go to the 9:30 Mass." I took her advice and never left. I felt welcomed and I soon wanted to get more involved and have stayed all those 30+ years. You were so instrumental in helping me grow in my faith. You always were saying "We accept you as you are." My entire life changed. Thank you for being a true "pastor". I am blessed to have you in my life. |
Bill Duckett | Happy Anniversarry, Monsignor!
Bill and JJ |
Laura Heimer | Dear Monsignor, We are so blessed to have you as our pastor during this difficult time, and always! Congratulations on your anniversary, we love you and miss you! Jeffrey, Laura, Ingrid & Mia Heimer |
Mary McLoughlin |  Monsignor, Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your Ordination 55 years ago...WOW! Thank you for all of your years of selfless service. We are all blessed to have you in our lives. You have enriched my life, from the Africa Ministry to Pilgrimages in the Holy Land. My favorite travel companion! Love, Mary |
Jackie Connor | Wow! And He’s not done with you yet.
Racquel Arce-Benitez |  Some of the best memories are during the Holy Land Trip 2019 |
Linda Arres | Congratulations Msgr. Torgerson!
May the Good Lord always be with you and bless you! ✝️ |
Roxanne Zazzaro | Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of your ordination! When I joined the parish eight years ago, you and the parish offered me a spiritual home and a new found family. Thank you for your spiritual guidance. In these days of isolation, the parish, under your care, love and passion , continues to be my beacon --a centering force of my renewal and the light for what could be a dark time. You are indeed a shepherd to your flock. I keep you in my prayers as you hold us in yours. Congratulations! Roxanne |
Dennis Smolarski | Congratulation, Lloyd.
Many more blessings for your very fruitful ministry.
Dennis Smolarski, SJ |
Maureen McCormick | Happy 55th Anniversary of your ordination. We are grateful for your boundless energy, wisdom & stewardship that has contributed to the vital community @ St. Monica ‘s. Stay well. We look forward to seeing you again! Maureen, Mimi, & Gabriel McCormick |
Thom Gasper |  Thank you for inspiring me how to be a better leader in my work, family, and community! Your 55 years of of loving service are an incredible legacy! |
Diane Gasper |  Thank you for shepherding our family through all of life's joys and challenges. We are so blessed by your vocation and commitment to all in our community! We love you! |
Janet Gill | Hi Msgr, Congratulations on your 55th anniversary! You baptized me 11 years ago at the Easter Vigil, and will always hold a special place in my heart. We are so fortunate to have you as our pastor at St. Monica. Here's wishing you another 55! All the Best, Janet Gill |
Grace Gasper |  Happy Anniversary Monsignor! Thank you so much all your love and care for the St. Monica community over these years. I am so grateful for the endless support you have given me throughout my entire life. Thank you. Love, Grace |
Tommy Gasper |  Hi Msgr.! Congratulations! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration in my life. I am so glad that I can count on you to watch me like a hawk! I hope quarantine is treating you well. Thank you for everything. -Tommy |
Lydia & HL Boihem |  Congratulations, Msgr.!!! We have been very blessed to be part of St. Monica and having you as our pastor.
Lydia and I were privileged to have you serve at our son's (Harold) funeral in 2008.
Your homilies are the very best and our relatives in New Orleans dial in to view the Live Streamed 5:30 PM Liturgy regularly. They frequently comment about how much they enjoy the Mass, the church, the music, and especially your homilies.
Be well and stay safe.
We can't wait to get back to an active Hospitality Ministry and also supporting the Funeral Ambassador Ministry.
Thanks again for being here for all your faithful servants in Christ. Lydia and HL Boihem |
Stephanie Kokotakis |  Dear Monsignor, Words can’t express the joy that I felt the day that you said you wanted Alex to start receiving Communion and I needed to contact Suzette. I never knew that this was possible for her. We are truly blessed to have you as our Monsignor. What you do for your parish.... your kindness and generosity is such a blessing! Stephanie & Alex Kokotakis |
Angela Iadavaia-Cox | I have been part of this parish for 4 years. You are a gem and I can't praise or thank you enough. You are honest, loving and forthright. |
Terri Barden | Dear Msgr. Torgerson:
We want to congratulate you on your 55th Anniversary of Priesthood. We are GRATEFUL to God that you have answered his call and have become such a great example as a follower of Christ.
We have been blessed to have been married by you, baptized our two girls and celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary together. May God continue to bless, guide, direct and protect you.
Lee and Terese "Terri" Barden |
Lou Deanna Laura Ssutu | Dear Msgr. Torgerson, Sincere congratulations on your 50th Anniversary. Thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do. Peace and blessings, Lou, Deanna and Laura Ssutu |
Gus Malkoun | Dear Msgr Torgerson, Lots of congratulations on your 55th anniversary. May God give you health and strength to carry on to guide our parish into a better future. God less you, Regards, Gus Malkoun |
Raymond & Frances Lamb | Congratulations on your 55th anniversary! We wish to thank you for your decades of outstanding pastoral service at St. Monica and offer our prayers and support for you in the years ahead. With love, Raymond and Frances Lamb. |
Family Castillo |  Congratulations Monsignor and May Our Lord keep on blessing you! |
Kyrene & Alex Mendoza |  Happy 55th Anniversary Msgr. Torgerson!!
You are a huge blessing in our lives and we are so happy for you as you celebrate your 55th year following your calling. We had the blessing and honor of having you marry us on our special day 4/7/18. Despite the fact that we had our reception venue further out in Westlake Village, we decided on St. Monica as our wedding parish because we feel a deep connection through your words and messages at mass. We had begun attending some masses at St. Monica on Sundays prior to getting engaged and we felt so welcomed and connected to your homily messages. You have an amazing gift of connecting people to God’s word and this became very inspirational for us as we planned our big day. We had prioritized having you as our wedding celebrant and therefore, arranged for vendors and venue to all be available on your available dates and thankfully it all worked out as we wanted. We look back on our special day now and carry with us the message you gave us. We will also remember your words “to be a force and an example to others” especially as we become parents in June to a little boy!! Please pray for us as we begin that journey! Thank you Monsignor for giving yourself to others, for welcoming us to your community, and inspiring us with your messages every Sunday (even now that it is all virtual). We pray that God continues to bless you as you continue touching the lives of others. We love you!!
All the best, Kyrene and Alex Mendoza |
Janet McLaughlin |  Congratulations, Monsignor! Thank you for making Mass so meaningful and heartfelt, and for being the best Msgr. ever. Here's to 55 more, clink! |
Erin Surace Amendolare |  Happy 55th Anniversary Monsignor! You’ve always paved the way for us to learn how to not just build a community but build a community of unity despite differences. You taught us to take our time and talents to build something that didn’t exist into something that people needed. You helped us to create a loyal & loving small town within one of the biggest cities in the world! You supported us and lead by example. And celebrated with us through constant moments of FUN! Lots of laughs, lots of love, and inspiration for a lifetime. Monsignor - you are still on fire! Thank you for giving everything you are over to all of us. We are grateful. Peace! |
Elizabeth du Fresne | We are so blessed to have you at St Monicas. So sorry we are not celebrating your 55th anniversary in person with you. Elizabeth du Fresne |
Patricia Segura | Happy 55th Anniversary Msgr. Torgerson! Sending congratulations, love, gratitude and blessings to you for sharing our Lord’s love, hope and promises in the most generous, enlightening ways! We have moved to Oregon but we still watch your Masses❣️Miss you! |
Mary Catherine Unis | Happy Anniversary, Monsignor! We are so thankful for you!
Love, The Unis Family |
Lynda Auer |  Happy 55th Anniversary, Msgr. You have helped us celebrate family Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, and 5 anniversaries. You celebrated our 25th through 45th in our home. Thank you for your loving care. We are honored to celebrate your anniversary with you. God bless you. In His love, Paul and Lynda |
Patty Wong | Blessings to you Monsignor! What a special day! You bring so much joy and love and compassion of our Lord everyday. Thank you for your leadership and examples that help us to be better people.
I have found a special home at St Monica because of the community you have fostered.
With gratitude and appreciation
Patty Wong Santa Monica |
John JACK Aulino |  Monsignor, I was a sophomore in Revere High School in Boston and you were graduating the Seminary. When I came to Los Angeles and managed the Airport parking at Park One at LAX friends of mine in Santa Monica and the owners of Bill's Liquor Tillie and Bill Ruiz Jr. on Lincoln were like family to me. Moke;s wife Debbie O'Brien knew I was a good Italian guy from Boston and was looking for the Spirit in LA. " Debbie told me Jackie, go to Saint Monica's the Spirit is there." From 1999 when I arrived in LA to 2010 when I came home to Boston, The Spirit is Stronger than Ever. God Bless You for all your caring support and guidance you have given to the congregation over the years of serving The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. |
Dianne Dexter | Happy Anniversary!!! You are the BEST and we are so blessed to have you shepherding our flock. St. Monica brought me back after a 35 year self imposed sabbatical...thanks to you and “all are welcome”. I have so much gratitude, Dianne |
Ida Rivera | Happy Anniversary Monsignor. Your love for your ministry has been a blessing and an inspiration throughout the years. But during these times it has been even more evident in your dedication to Saint Monica’s. Thank you and God bless you today and always. Much love and peace, Ida |
Heather Catalena | Dear Monsignor,
WOW - 55 years. That is amazing. You have accomplished so much and touched the lives of countless people. As for me I've been continually inspired by you for 35 of those years and I'm forever grateful. Many blessings to you as your journey continues. I love you! Heather |
Robert Helphand | Happy Anniversary Monsignor!
You truly are an inspiration. The way you give an homily makes the scriptures accessible to me on a whole different level and has made such a beautiful impact on my life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do!
Sending love and prayers, Robert |
Grace & Edward Hartman | Happy 55th anniversary Monsignor! We miss you!! Blessings, the Hartman family (Grace, Edward, Haywood, Oscar and Milling) |
Jennifer Reyes | Dear Monsignor, Congratulations on your 55 year Anniversary! Thank you for your leadership, your guidance, and your love through all of these years. We are grateful that you have welcomed all of us into St. Monica's as a spiritual home. You have shepherded us through so many important rites of passage and inspired us to be more loving people and better parents through your weekly homilies and prayers. Thank you for sharing your gifts and for helping to form a place where all are welcome.
With love,
The Reyes Family |
Sandro Martini | The fire is as strong as ever, a light in the darkness of our time. Sandro |
Christy Yates |  Happy 55 years as a priest! Msgr Torgerson, you will always be our pastor no matter where we roam. You have been a part of many of the best moments of our lives including being the celebrant at our wedding and baptizing both of our children. We always look forward to seeing you when we come to Los Angeles and look forward to many more years as part of your flock. With much love, Christy and Brad Yates |
Harold Luebke | 55 years is a long time on the job and still have some juice. Congratulation and may the good Lord keep you healthy and in good spirits. Harold and Joy Luebke |
Mary Passeri | Congratulations Monsignor Torgerson! Thank you for all you do! You don't know me but I have seen you come to UCLA Santa Monica to attend to our patients and it means so much to all! Thank you and God Bless! Mary |
John Bowman | Dear Monsignor,
God bless you! Your sermons have inspired my family for many years: literate, passionate, filled with love and acceptance. My now-grown children always ask about you and I tell them you're fine as far as I can tell. I know you've struggled with prostate cancer, as have I, and I'll pray for your continued good health if you pray for mine! I couldn't ask for a better advocate.
My best, John |
Fr. Frank Buckley, S.J. | Dear Lloyd, I am so happy our paths crossed and love your energy and enthusiasm after being a priest for 55 years. I just celebrated 20 years a Jesuit and do not know where the time goes. I am looking so forward to our time together and told Annette the other day I cannot imagine a better mentor. I admire you, the parish at St. Monica's, and all the great work you have done to build the kingdom of God in so many beautiful ways. St. Ignatius insisted God cannot be outdone in generosity, but you sure give Him a run for his money. Happy Anniversary and much love from Hollywood! Frank Buckley, S.J. |
Katja May, PhD, OFS |  Heartfelt congratulations on the great 55th ordination anniversary! You have been blessed and you are a blessing. You have great influence on all kinds of people. You are a hard working laborer in God’s vinyard. You are a great example. In these times of Covid-19 you are innovatively livestream St Monica Masses and allow ministries such as Stephen Ministry to continue via Zoom. Amidst all your time-consuming priestly duties you are also a visionary. Thank you for sanctifying your people. I thank God for you! My family has been affiliated with St Monica since we moved here Easter 2017. Soon we will relocate geographically, but we would like to remain St Monica parishioners, if you will. May God bless us, keep us from all evil, have mercy on us, encourage us in all good, grant us a peaceful death, and welcome us in God’s heavenly home. Amen. |
Gina (Regina) Leger | Congratulations, Monsignor! Thank you for shepherding us through all the years, but especially during this pandemic. You are a great gift to St. Monica's. We have been blessed by your presence, wisdom and caring. Pace e bene! |
Mindy Rubin | Congratulations And prayers of peace and devotion My very best Mindy |
Christine O'Brien Wright |  Thank you for leading the St.Monica Community, and for being a part of my family's life for so long. Our son and daughter were baptized at St. Monica, our daughter Daisy received her First Holy Communion from you and our son Bodie is now a junior at SMCHS. You also re-married my parents (Tim and Joan O'Brien) in 2007 in a small and special service that we all will never forget. Congratulations on 55 years, we are so lucky to have you and the St. Monica community! |
Richard Nemec | Congratulations! May God bless and keep you as he has for these past 55 years.
Richard/Constance Nemec |
Mia Rille | Dear Monsignor, Heartfelt congratulations on the anniversary of your ordination! We are truly grateful for all you do for us and our community. We certainly miss being with you in the celebration of mass in our beautiful church and really miss receiving communion, but the streaming has been wonderful. Congratulations on the great work you and your team are doing. You are the best! Stay safe and healthy—and may God guide us all during these extraordinary times. Mia and Norm Rille |
Peter & Gail Lyons | Congratulations and all the very best on the anniversary of your ordination. We hope that there will be many more years at St Monica for you to share your wisdom and love to all of us.
All our love,
Peter and Gail |
Mary Grendell | Happy Anniversary, Monsignor Torgerson! I was a parishioner when I lived in Santa Monica from 2014-2018. I am back in New York City now but still consider St. Monica’s my west coast spiritual home. Thank you for all that you do for St. Monica’s and the community! -Mary Grendell |
Tim Lynch | Thank you Monsignor for your leadership and the love you've bestowed on the Santa Monica community. We are so grateful to have you as a teacher and spiritual leader. |
Stefanie Napoli | Congratulations, Msgr. Torgerson! And we are all so BLESSED to have you where you are. You are a leader, an inspiration and an example of what BEAUTIFUL down deep is all about. God Bless You Always and Forever. - Stefanie Napoli |
Angela Zonni | Dear Monsignor Lloyd, Over the past 30 years, you have been and continue to be, my rock in my spiritual journey. In my darkest moments and my highest tributes you have been right by my side.
May our good Lord continue to bless you and our parish as our incredible shepherd leading us all.
In God's love and blessings,
Angel (nickname given to me by you when I was a YMAer! |
Maria Barrie | Thank you Msgr For all your years of dedication and service to the community and especially to our family. You are the heartbeat of an amazing church. And have made my faith even stronger. Much love and adoration Maria Barrie |
Kait Leonard | Congratulations, Monsignor Torgerson!
I'm sure you don't know me, but you have been so important in my life. You are a gift.
I'm wishing you 55 more wonderful years!
Kait |
Mary Shane & Jesse Pendergest | Msgr., Thank you for your long-standing service. You are truly an inspiration to all. |
Rebecca Carson |  Dear Msgr. Torgerson,
One of the great pleasures of our lives was to have you officiate our wedding. Your wise, powerful words inspired us, and years after our wedding day our family and friends still tell us "we loved your church!".
Thank you for your care, warmth, and compassion. Thank you for all of the early mornings and late nights in support of this church. We are very grateful.
Love, Rebecca and Dan |
George Garvey |  Thank you for bringing the Fire! The Garveys |
Brian Frates | Happy 55th Anniversary, Monsignor!!! I feel so blessed to have been able to spend 18 of those years with you here at St. Monica's.
Your care and compassion, grace and guidance, laughter and love have been precious gifts to me during my time as a member of our St. Monica's family. Strengthened by your encouragement, enthusiasm and example, I've grown... not only as a man, but as a man of faith.
Thank you so much for ministering as Pope Francis has asked priests to do: by going forth and filling others with joy; by taking action to tenderly heal the wounds of those who have lost hope; and by doing these things with meekness, humility and integrity.
Sending love and prayers to you as you mark this very special milestone!
Brian |
Lupe Casillas | Words cannot express what you have meant to our family. I will try by saying in good times and in sad times you have always hit the mark with your words, insightfulness and support. We cannot imagine all the holes that would not be filled had you not become a priest and here come to St. Monica. We respect you, love you and we even like you! God Bless you always & Happy Anniversary! Love always, Lupe Casillas and family |
Dieter & Liesel Schlosser | Congratulations Monsignor!!! We are thankful to have you as our Pastor and hope for many more years! All the Best. Dieter&Liesel |
Ginny Hayes | Congratulations and blessings Msgr. Torgerson. |
Henry LeBlanc |  Dear Pastor Lloyd, Congratulations on celebrating your 55th Anniversary. I wish you many more and especially some more lovely bike rides very soon. You are our Pastor in every way. I came to St Monica's right around the first Men's Cornerstone (with Rick Tyner.) which I attended and have done so ever since. You, the Priests, the staff, and all that St. Monica's stands for, have truly changed my life and brought me into our Lord's loving embrace. A lifelong Catholic, I've found my real Christian home at St. Monica's and have gone on to spread God's word outside as well. Thank you for taking up the mantle of God. He couldn't have found a better disciple. Peace and love, Henry LeBlanc |
Jill & Grant Nunes Jensen | Congratulations Msgr.!!! We are so thankful for your amazing stewardship through this time and we look forward to mass each week! God’s great blessings on you and our great thanks to you!!! |
Frank B axter | Dearest Monsignor Torgerson, Congratulations on 55 years of service to God and countless of us. You have been the Good Shepherd for us. You helped bring us back to the flock, and have cared for us so beautifully. Our lives are so much better because of you. Gratefully, Kathy and Frank Baxter |
Sister Brian Marie Latour | Monsignor, You don’t know me from a hill of beans but I am a Mercy sister living in Plattsburgh, NY. I do want to send my congratulations and I join the throng of well-wishers from afar. Thank you for being a fine shepherd to your flock. I admire your efforts and commend you for the “aliveness” of your parish. I like attending Sunday liturgy via live-streaming. Each week Sheila Scully makes sure I receive the weekly news. Keep up the good work and many thanks for helping me get thru these weeks of confinement. Gratefully, Sr Brian Marie, RSM |
Maureen Mavrinac | Blessings to you Msgr. as you mark this milestone of service
Thank you for welcoming the broken, the marginalized, those who have previously felt rejected by the Church into which they were baptized, received communion, and were confirmed.
From depositing a few dollars into the boxes and lighting a candle in the back of the vestibule, to stealing into the back rows at evening Mass, I felt your true welcome to a long lost spiritual home.
You indeed have been an inspiration and a shepherd . Prayers for your continued good health and energy. Thank you |
George Carpenter | You have given me faith after many lost years. As you speak about broken, I am a broken man feeling a lot stronger, with more hope, faith and less broken; because of you and your guidance to believe. |
Clare Keck |  Dear Msgr Torgerson, Thank you so much for being YOU. Congratulations on 55 years of stedfast love and service to Christ's church. I'm sure it has been a heck of a ride, and I'd much rather hear your stories than tell you mine. You are such an inspiration to me, as you were to Howard. Thank you. When I first started going to St Monica in 1997, you told me once just very casually to "trust." I replied, "but people let me down." To which you replied, "Don't trust in people. Trust in God." Next thing I knew I had sticky notes everywhere "Pray for Trust in God," because I didn't have it. Well, a short 20 + years later, I live from that truth everyday (to varying degrees ; ). It has given, and continues to give me, peace beyond understanding. Thank you for all the times you have selflessly served. May God give you Peace Beyond Understanding. I admire, respect and love you Lloyd. Clare Keck PS ... as you know we named our dog after you. The highest compliment ever! |
Carmen Gurbuz | Happy 55th anniversary You’re a true inspiration to all of us ! Great example of determination, loyalty , commitment and compassion. Thank you for your service. God bless you |
Jess Slater | Happy Anniversary Msgr. Torgerson! Thank you for your many years of service and all that you have done for your community of Faith. I am so blessed to have you as my pastor of St. Monica's. Sending you lots of LOVE today and always. |
Patricia Taylor | Congratulations on your 55th Anniversary to the priesthood!!? We are truly blessed to have you as our pastor and friend!! With many more wonderful years to come! With many blessings and love, Pattie and Carole Taylor |
Maureen Vincenti | Blessed Anniversary Msgr. You have been one of the most influential people in my life and I feel very blessed to know you. You are one of the people who brought God back into my life and for that I am forever grateful. Peace be with you and celebrate this wonderful occasion with a vengeance (in a good way, that is)!!!!!!!!
Most thankful to know you,
Maureen |
Valeri Yarema | Dear Msgr. Torgerson, We are blessed to have you in our lives! May God always bless and protect you!
Jocelyn and Val Yarema |
Michelle Lilienfeld | Dear Msgr. Torgerson, Happy Anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood! Thank you for your 55 years of service as a priest! We are grateful to have you in our lives! Thank you for guiding us on our journey, and always having the perfect message for us! And thank you for the care and concern with which you do everything that you do! May your anniversary, and every day, be filled with good health, happiness, and many blessings. You are in our prayers! With heartfelt gratitude and appreciation, Michelle Lilienfeld and family |
Carol Dedrich | Thank you for leading and building a loving, welcoming, and thoughtful community.
I moved to Santa Monica from AZ in 2000 and had a very difficult transition. Your loving words challenged me to find my way. It is you and the community you built that helped me through the loss of my mother, brother and father. I brought my now husband to church many times, and we did our marriage preparations through St Monica's and married overseas by a wonderful priest in Yorkshire, England. Fr O'Neill was originally from Tipperary. Magical, spiritual...I feel so blessed.
And although I have not lived in SM since 2012, we try to come back when we are back in LA.
Thank you for sharing your talents and gifts with so many. Thank you for bringing God back into my life when so many times I was careless and forgot his love.
With much love Carol Dedrich and Alex Nurse San Diego |
Tom & Todd Soto | MLT. From me, Todd and Jonah. Congratulations. You are the great fire beneath the grounds of our parish and community, giving warmth, strength, optimism, courage and faith in an era of historical challenge. Thank you for hearing your call. You have made me a better man, us a better family and given our son a robust and happy home for his Catholic education. Thank you and God bless. |
Michael Noga | Mgr. Lloyd, Congratulations on your 55 years of ministry!
I was a parishioner when you became Monsignor, and especially appreciate you pastoral care after the Northridge Earthquake before I moved to the East.
I am glad to rejoin the community from afar.
Michael Noga |
Tanner Kalina | Congratulations Monsignor!! Thank you for being the wonderful shepherd that you are. Someone who looks at you truly sees the Person of God radiating within them. You give us a great example to aspire to be like! |
Chris Dickinson | Dear Pastor Lloyd, It was 25 years ago, and I was distraught after hearing that my little sister was in a life threatening car accident. I spoke to you after a Sunday mass in tears and you gently told me to put my faith and ultimate acceptance in God for her. It was hard because I was so shaken up, but I got on my knees, and prayed. I soon felt God's overwhelming love! That was enough for me. (She is fine today and a true believer herself!) Thank you! I also thank you for your homilies which speak from your God given interpretation of the Word. You always share from your personal strength, humility, and faith. These homilies, sacraments, and the programs at St. Monica's, have strengthened my role as a wife, a mother to 4 children, on becoming a better person, and ultimately leading to my involvement in religious ed, the homelessness cause and being a Stephen Minister. You have inspired me to grow in Christ. You are an amazing, seemingly tireless leader of our thriving and blessed St. Monica's. I wish you my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude on 55 years of your priesthood! |
Brian Kalata | I had been away from the church for a while. I had a bad experience with a priest that sent me into a furry and kept me a way from church. I had recently started attending mass again. After going to a mass with a friend at St Monica’s- I felt compelled to get the sacrament of Reconciliation. It was hard, and emotional and I awaited some harsh judgment- like what had driven me away from the church years before. But, after all I said to Monsignor, and as I waited the penance I was sure would challenge me... Monsignor stood there open armed and with a smile said, “ Welcome, Home Brother.” It changed my life and relationship to the church.
So glad to have found St. Monica’s and Msgr. Torgerson. Congratulations on this auspicious anniversary, |
Alex Cooley | Thank you Monsignor for all that you do for our community! I always enjoy listening to your sermons and you're always so thoughtful in how you care about those in your community. We all miss you and hope you are staying well during this time! |
Michael Fitz | Monsignor:
You will not probably be able to place my name and face together but I still thought I would write a quick note of affirmation anyway as perhaps my anonymity might show the broad impact of 55 years of service. I have been involved with various ministries within St. Monica for many years but did not join the parish officially until March 2020 (talk about bad timing).
I just want you to know that the you and the community you lead has made a radically positive difference in my spiritual life. I have observed you and your interactions with that community and so I know that St. Monica's would not be what it is without your leadership. Specifically I cite three examples that have positively influenced my spiritual life: 1) Many years ago I was struggling with my faith and my family life. I decided to change up my worship from my normal parish and I showed up at St. Monica 5:30PM Sunday mass. In that mass there was a call to a retreat...the very first "Men's Cornerstone". I looked at my calendar and saw that weekend was open and said "what the heck". It changed my life. Participating in Cornerstone for many years greatly advanced my spiritual life. That ministry would not have been as impactful on my life without your leadership and participation. 2) I was convinced by a Cornerstone brother to participate in "Just Faith". Because "Just Faith" opened of my eyes to the church's teaching and the reality of our world I, today, strongly believe in and practice Catholic social teaching. That ministry would not have been as impactful on my life without your leadership and participation. 3) I participate in a men's small faith group at St. Monica's. This group of men has been instrumental in keeping me focused on salvation and helps me recover from my lapses as a sinner. Giving up space in your community to allow that group to thrive is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your leadership and your spiritual guidance. Please know I am probably one of many who you are not aware of that have been positively influenced by your 55 years of service to our Lord and Savior!
Be healthy and be peaceful.
Mike |
Mary-Katherine Harr | Monsignor! 55 years -- WOW! We are ever so grateful for your commitment to our community and the Catholic faith. You inspire us weekly, give us hope when we're defeated, always welcoming us with open arms! Thank you for ALL you do. We are truly blessed to have you as our leader in the Church, helping us to further our relationship with Christ! |
Martha Cotton | I am so thankful to the Lord for you, Monsignor! You have such a pastor's heart, and you have helped shepherd me in my return to the Catholic faith. |
Marta Kruger | Monsignor, you are such a light in all our lives. I congratulate you in you 55 years of service to your parish and the Church. The Kruger family is grateful and we send our love and good wishes. Please take care. |
David Yaranon | Dear Msgr. Congratulations on your 55th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood! I want to thank you for all the wonderful work and ministry you have provided over your career especially your 30 years at St. Monica's. I can honestly say you are THE STANDARD of how a priest should minister to his parish and parishioners. I wish there were priests like you. Thank you in a special way for the acceptance and inclusion of the GLO community at St. Monica's. Your message of welcome, love, compassion and inclusion has meant so much to me and to this community. You made a place for us to feel welcome at the table and that speaks volumes.
Lastly, I want to thank you for the lasting memory I will always have in my heart of you washing my mom's feet at a Holy Thursday Mass back in 2007. It was the one and only time my mom came to visit St. Monica's all because she heard that any one could have their feet washed. At the parish she usually goes to, only certain members of the parish got their feet washed. At the Holy Thursday Mass, not only did she got her feet washed, but she got it washed by you. That made it all the more special to her. I remember watching her get her feet washed as I sang with the choir. I saw her tear up as she had her feet washed by you Msgr and she had that look of joy and gratitude on her face. It brought me such joy to see her so happy that she came and had her feet washed by you. Sadly...the year after...she had died due to cancer.
Thank you Msgr Lloyd. I can't express enough how much I am grateful for your ministry, love, acceptance, and compassion you have for your fellow parishioners. I really miss being at St. Monica's now that I am living in Canada. But I am always thankful to know I can virtually connect via livestream or on video conferences. I have met some of my really good friends in life through St. Monica's and had so many wonderful experiences because of St. Monica's.
I pray that God will continue to bless you and give you the strength and good health to continue your ministry for many more years to come. You are truly a disciple of Christ.
Sincerely, David Yaranon |
Joani Peter-Noneman |  Dear Msgr. Torgerson, Congratulations on your 55th Anniversary of Ordination. That is an incredible accomplishment and such a gift to all of us. I always giggle that when you phone you announce in your beloved booming voice, "This is your Pastor!" I have always been tempted to answer, "Well this is your sheep." :) Thank you so much for the blessing you have been in Charlie and my life, starting way before your Pre-Cana counseling. We've got 25 years this summer. May God continue to bless you in your amazing and beautiful ministry. Joani and Charlie |
Amy McGranahan | Msg. Torgerson,
My husband and I count you among the rare few saints and sages in our life. I don't know how to begin to tell you the positive impact you've had on my life, from homilies to wise words given to women's cornerstone, Stephen ministry, confirmation retreat, and countless other meetings and events. And it's clear to see the similar positive impact you've had on the many individuals and larger community who've enjoyed and benefitted from your words and presence.
Thank you so much for all that you do. You represent a dearly needed beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak time, and for this we thank you with all our heart. God Bless.
Pax, Amy & Joe Mathias |
Patricia Bressler | You are the best. Miss your live masses. Congratulations! |
JP Grossman | Best wishes Msgr. Torgerson on such a momentous occasion! I have always appreciated your kindness and welcoming Christian spirit towards all. You are a gentle soul. |
Janis Gallo | It is because of you that I returned to my faith after an absence of 25 years. I love what you have brought into my life with my spiritual renewal and everything about Saint Monica! Thank you so very much. You also performed a renewal of vows as well as the Sacrament of Matrimony with the love of my life. |
Lori Hoeft | Dear Monsignor, Thank you so much for being a beacon of hope, strength and called to serve the Saint Monica's Parish with such conviction, strength, and integrity! It is a great blessing for everyone to know you, to hear your words and to receive your kindness! You are beyond a teaspoon of hope, you are a FOUNTAIN OF GOD'S HOPE, LOVE and CARE FOR ALL OF US! Keep going! Maybe this year more people can hold onto the teachings of the Bible as a raft during some choppy waters until we reach the shoreline. With Love and gratitude for every Christmas, Easter and Holy Day you have made very special. Yours, Lori and Macy |
Harry Keiley | Msgr. Torgerson Congratulations! Meeting you in 1986; little did I know the profound impact you would have on my life - Grateful to know and love you. As you have taught us; it’s all grace!!! Harry |